Adults Programme

How is our adults programme structured and which classes should I attend?

We have 2 main adult classes. These are the BJJ 101 and BJJ 201. 

BJJ 101 is a weekly topic programme that rotates every 8 weeks. Each week we cover either guard work, guard retention, guard passing, top control, escapes, back control, wrestling and leg locks. This weekly topic also informs our warm up games every class for the week so if attending a 201 class you still know what we are doing in 101. The full programme is around 32 weeks long however it is constantly tweaked and updated as we improve the skills.

BJJ 201 is a 4 week module topic followed by a review week. This allows us to go in depth into a more specific topic as well as review previous modules to interleave our learning. During school holidays between terms we do a more games based, sparring orientated version of these classes to further consolidate the terms learnings.

Open mat after class is a our totally free mat time where students roll, drill and hangout/discuss important topics such as beer, work, family and beer.

Our lunchtime and morning classes are condensed versions of our evening classes.

Gi classes require a Gi to be worn. If you are new to the sport we have loaner Gi Tops to use as needed however after a month or so of training it would be expected for you to supply your own Gi. We can help with this however you are not required to wear specific colours or patches etc. and so you can shop online and buy whichever one you like! 

If you are starting BJJ for the first time ever it is important to know that you can come to any of these classes!

In an ideal world it would be our Tuesday and Thursday classes for the first 8 or so weeks which would get you through 1 cycle of our fundamentals game plan. However this does not fit with everyone and our classes are structured in a way that allows beginners and experienced grapplers to work together. In fact more experienced grapplers enjoy showing new members the ropes and will look after you well.

Our initial suggestion is to always start with 2 a week for a couple of weeks, even if you are relatively fit and able. Then if the body manages well you can increase an extra a session per week every fortnight. Some people only ever train 1-2x per week, some of us train 10+ times per week. It is up to your schedule, lifestyle and training goals. We do this mostly... for fun so make sure you treat it that way :)

Adults Timetable

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